Alertness to the needs of others is the mark of the Vigil Honor. It calls for an individual with an unusual awareness of the possibilities within each situation.
The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting. Membership cannot be won by a person's conscious endeavors.
The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position of office to one or more of the following:
The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting. Membership cannot be won by a person's conscious endeavors.
The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position of office to one or more of the following:
- Lodge
- Order of the Arrow
- Scouting community
- Scout Camp
Tsali Lodge Vigil Honor Roll
1949 William Roth "The Great Warrior"
1950 Vernon McCurry "The Prince"
1952 Clayton McCrackin "Big Hearted One"
1952 Francis Pless "The Woodsman"
1953 Robert Garner "Leading Chief"
1954 Gene Cocke "He Is a Man"
1955 Carmer Bean "A Leader"
1957 Thomas Speed "Flying Messenger"
1957 William Lassiter "Standing Deer"
1959 Davis Nichols "Little Big Man"
1959 Geoffrey Cooper "One Who Shoots"
1959 William Smith "Great Tree Top"
1960 Frank Biddix "Young Deer"
1960 Joe Fulmer "Young Beaver"
1961 Charles Reeves "Handsome"
1961 Paul Willis "Excel All Others"
1962 John Crawford "Peace Maker"
1962 Paul Cabe "Squirrel"
1964 Charles Worley "Chief"
1964 Ernie Hansel "He of the Beautiful Place"
1964 Minor Wilson "Feathers of All Kinds"
1964 Richard Hurley "Place of Friends"
1965 Eugene Hansel "Star"
1965 Jerry Starnes "Middle of the Day"
1965 Pat Mitchell "First in the Dance"
1965 Tom Harrison "Strong and Mighty"
1965 W.M. Vanvalkenburgh "Medicine Man"
1966 M. Hansel "Water Carrier"
1966 Mike Williams "The Traveler"
1966 Ronald Kirby "Efficient"
1966 Thomas Dillard "Lightening Bug"
1967 Charles Arthur "Enchanted Lake"
1967 Clarence Burrell "Town House"
1967 Daren Hutcheson "He of the Lookout Place"
1967 Gary Jensen "Water Side"
1967 John Brown "Frost Walker"
1968 Dan Collier "Buffalo"
1968 George Benning "The Great Bull"
1968 James Hutcheson "All Afire"
1968 Max Hughes "Standing in the Center"
1969 C. Corbin "Humming Bird"
1969 David Putnam "Deer"
1969 James Lollar "Beaver"
1969 John Ledbetter "I Think"
1969 Robert McKinney "He Is Fast"
1969 Ronald Edwards "Drum"
1969 William Green "Bee"
1970 Doug Van Valkenburgh "Little Chief"'
1970 Eddie Gash "Chief"
1970 James Furr "Hello"
1970 James Lipe "Big Man"
1970 Jamie Soesbee "Jim"
1970 Jimmy Garren "Pond"
1970 Johnathan Jones "Lamp"
1970 Loren Brown "Ruler"
1970 Richard Stansbury "Doctor"
1970 Timothy Wilson "First"
1971 Bill Dyar "Arrow Maker"
1971 Brad Ripple "Chipmunk"
1971 Franklin Gordon "Night Hawk"
1971 Henry Graham "Happy"
1971 J. Arden "Tall"
1971 Jerry Jarvis "Quiet"
1971 John Daniel "Big Bear"
1971 Mike Roberts "Red Fox"
1971 Roger Corbin "Bird"
1972 Bruce Arden "Little Tall"
1972 Carl Haynes "Chief of Peace"
1972 David Henderson "Ground Hog"
1972 Ralph Putnam "Bat"
1972 Richard Gustafson "Cherokee"
1972 Robert Cansler "The Frogs Cry Here"
1972 Robert Cook "Red Bird"
1972 Robert Gash "Old Owl"
1972 William Edwards "Worker"
1972 Hank Birdsong "Bird"
1973 Charles Toms "Gentle One"
1973 Dan Harrison "Dancer"
1973 David Briscoe "Moose"
1973 Donnie Osborne "Hungry Bear"
1973 Emory Gash "Mischief"
1973 Jake Wilson "Hammer"
1973 James Fender "Mountain Teacher"
1973 John Cox "Tree Friend"
1973 Robert Fisher "Standing Indian"
1974 Brent Leftwich "Wind"
1974 Dennis Stockdale "Mountain Teacher"
1974 Doug Elledge "Spider"
1974 James Deavor "Cricket"
1974 James Hatley "Hat"
1974 Richard Sharpe "Turkey"
1974 Joel Chambers "Warrior"
1975 Charles Pettee "Feather Man"
1975 David McCartney "Diligent One"
1975 Donald Henderson "Sharp Knife"
1975 John McLeod "He Who Does All"
1975 Russell Matheson "Heavy Beard"
1975 Thomas Massie "Tall Walker"
1975 Thomas Wilson "Straight Bullet"
1975 Randall Barnett "He Who Strengthens"
1976 Brian McKinley "Broken Wing"
1976 Charles Farr "Trained"
1976 Lewis Blodgett "Scholar"
1976 Peter Sprague "Fast Squirrel"
1976 Richard Hageman "Serious"
1976 William Taylor "Happy Leader"
1977 3rd Furtado "Helpful"
1977 Bill Taylor "Billy Bobwhite"
1977 Justin Scroggs "Faithful Friend"
1977 Norman Harrill "Hoot Owl"
1977 Robert Harrison "Wednesday Dancer"
1977 Robert Pearson "High Flying Eagle"
1977 Todd Dingman "Strong Friend"
1978 Clifford Lively "Rock Climber"
1978 Floyd Lowrance "Rope Fox"
1978 Herman Stone "Black Gunpowder"
1978 Norman Harrill Jr. "Walking Owl"
1978 Philip Johnson "Straight Tongue"
1978 William Ratcliffe "Smart Eagle"
1979 Bruce Blakely "Election Worker"
1979 Carleton Collings "Food Master"
1979 Chris Farr "250 Miles"
1979 Jack Cole "Silent Mountain"
1979 Jeffrey Gray "Money Man"
1979 Walter Dean "Walnut Wood"
1980 Charles Potts "Food Magician"
1980 David Atkinson "Third Point"
1980 David McCurry "Proud Treasurer”
1980 Robert Weinkle "Warm Smile"
1980 Thomas Atkinson "Smart Smoker"
1980 Wiley White Jr. "Dancing Beaver"
1981 Bryan Clanton "Stompground Leader"
1981 Jon Holliday "Fast Talker"
1981 Lyndon Conley "Thoughtful One"
1981 Paul Ford "Thrifty One"
1982 Calvin Phipps "Faithful Servant"
1982 Charles Pounders "Artist"
1982 Dexter Ramey "Laughing Drummer"
1982 Douglas Fisher "Self Giver"
1982 James Remine "Thinks Quickly"
1982 Leo Adams "Good Worker"
1982 Mark O'Shields "Polite"
1982 Stephen Miller "Silent Speaker"
1983 John Lively "Father of Rock Climber"
1983 Karl Byas "Fast Reader"
1983 Tony Johnson "Reckless Writer"
1983 Wiley White "Fast Tongue"
1984 Earl Elliott "Silent Thought"
1984 Glen Wise "Musical"
1984 Greg Rutledge "Fast Canoe"
1984 Jeff Cole "Bow Hunter"
1984 Joe Glasscock "Desk Lion"
1984 Melvin Law "Meal Maker"
1985 Charles Athony Jr. "Horn Toad"
1985 Kevin Pint "Thinks Fast"
1986 Dallas Hicks "Running Jaw"
1986 David Kafitz "Carrot Top"
1986 Dr. Gary Todd "Talking Healer"
1986 Dr. Harry Summerlin "Healing Waters"
1986 Kevin Wright "Night Owl"
1986 Randy Sawald "River Rat"
1986 Robert Curtis "Swift Shooter"
1986 William McMullen "Change Maker"
1987 Brian McMullen "Ball Player"
1987 Harry Frick "User of Great Words"
1987 John Rice "Wise Leader"
1987 Michael Mann "Faithful Leader"
1987 O. Mallory "Loud Sleeper”
1987 Tim McSween "Big Friend"
1987 Tony Rice "Silent Runner"
1987 Bryant Webster "Little Dog with Red Hair"
1988 Arik Grier "Small One"
1988 Barry Clayton "Smoking Storyteller"
1988 Bill Huters "Flat Top"
1988 George Todd "Laughing Brave"
1988 Joe Frick "Lazy Chief"
1988 Rick Cody "Ear Biter"
1989 David Krishock "Early Bird"
1989 Heath Kinsland "Bald Head"
1989 Jerry O'Neal "Music Maker"
1989 John Gibbs "Good Cook"
1990 Danny Little "One of Calm Mind"
1991 Burney Mack "Preacher"
1991 Charles Carter "Smart Chief"
1991 Glenn Banning "Careful Listener"
1991 Mike Kinsland "Quiet Water"
1991 Ryan Banning "Short Man Strong Heart"
1992 Al Cauble "Trade Man"
1992 Bernie Grauer "Perfection Man"
1992 Bill Hixson "He Who Closes Meetings"
1992 Bill Horton "Music Man"
1992 Chris Moody "He Is Hiding Groceries"
1992 Dan Little "Little Soil Shovel"
1992 Garrick Smith "Biscuit Man"
1992 Greg Galloway "Big Bow Publisher"
1992 Joe Fulmer Jr. "Big Short Joe"
1992 Martin Banning "Sock Ball Player"
1992 Travis Clayton "Quiet Big Man"
1994 Bernard Gier "Save Many Things"
1994 Bryan Taubert "Happy Feet"
1994 Chris Bertolini "Far Speaker"
1994 Chuck Rice "Information Keeper"
1994 Greg Bias "Running Far"
1994 Mitch Stevens "Eats No Chicken"
1995 Guy Little "Big Man, Little Name"
1995 Kenneth Clark "Brave Soldier"
1995 Robbie Southern "Third Eagle"
1996 Clay Hensley "Recorder"
1996 Phillip Godfrey "Cloth Sign Trader"
1997 Charlie Krug "Northern Brother"
1997 Gavin Douglas "Swift Writer"
1997 Peter Sommers "Cook"
1997 Shawn Sommers "Young Dancer"
1997 Terry "Tee" Pruitt "Chief Who Speaks"
1998 Eddie Hollifield "Fixes with Duct Tape"
1998 Greg Loomis "Icelandic Invader"
1998 Jason Laney "Leader of New Brothers"
1998 Karen Banning "Determined Mother"
1998 Simon Stricklen "Great Debater"
1998 Steve Smith "Traveling Peach"
1998 Todd Knaperek "Squeaky Runner"
1999 Brian Simpson "Talks Much, Says Little"
1999 Jim Dickson "Faithful Worker"
1999 Mike Nail "Little Fisher Bird"
2000 Rick Hulme "Lawnmower Man"
2000 Shawn Stricklen "Spark Plug"
2000 William "Bill" Barry "Quiet Riot"
2001 Alison Knaperek "Smiling Worker"
2001 Andy Clark "He Who Dances Out Fires"
2001 Dylan Hulme "Vested Man Who Burns Crackers"
2001 Edward Knaperek "The Last Buffalo"
2001 Keith Sharpton "Silent Green Man"
2001 Steve Miller "Keeper of the Mountain"
2002 Chris Hoover "Keeper of the Lost Light"
2002 Eric Mitchell "Red Scarf"
2002 Gary Brock "Trades at All Times"
2002 Russell Hughes "He Who Sees All"
2003 George Paquette “Snake Man that Steals Hat"
2003 Cody Hulme “Frank the Horned Warrior”
2004 Matt Emory “Big Arrow Man”
2004 James Greene “Big Man, Big Heart”
2004 Jim McNeal “Hawk Eyes”
2004 Rick Moninghoff “Busy Beaver”
2005 Brian Boushéy "Chief of Roosters"
2005 Adam Kuykendall "Chief with Creased Uniform"
2005 Gary Todd "Cooks for Many"
2006 Scott Martin "Blue Brother"
2006 Joey Digregorio "Patch Predator"
2006 Mark Birdsong "Fox Tail"
2006 Carroll Trantham "The One Called Spider"
2006 Lewis Kuykendall "Trading Bear"
2005 Jhon Ward “Man of the Sea”
2006 Robby Thompson “Stomps Grass”
2007 Mitchell May “Swimming Leader”
2007 Colleen Shipley “Bear with Big Heart”
2007 Kelly Snead “Bringer of the Drum”
2007 Brett Suess “Dancing Spider”
2007 Luke Braswell “Big Man, Little Drum”
2007 Everett Rollins IV "Distant Traveler who Leads"
2008 Lance Phillips “Working Bear”
2008 Joe DiGregorio Sr. “Morning Singer”
2008 Golda Trantham “Golden Helper”
2008 Zack Pruett “Silent Thunder”
2008 Drew Evans “Music Man”
2008 RJ Trantham “Little Warrior”
2008 John Nixon "Camper Who Climbs High"
2009 Benjamin Birdsong “Singing Bird”
2009 James Hylemon “Willing Helper”
2009 Robbie Mann “Trading Man”
2009 Fred Trantham “Guarding Brother”
2009 Dan Rogers "Long Walker"
2009 Ashby Gale "Helping Brother"
2010 Jamie DiGregorio "Silent Helper"
2010 Kyle Griewisch "Gravy Man"
2010 Daniel Huff "Loud Cook"
2010 Mary Lou Farmer "Trainer of Friends"
2010 Ralph Loomis "Healing Hands"
2010 Morgan Bounds "Silent Cook"
2011 David Burrell "Working Leader"
2011 Bryson Christy "Trail Hiker"
2011 Matthew Penland "The Silent Thunder"
2012 Austin Hawkins "Dish Washer"
2012 John Mark Lampley "Contemplative Brother"
2012 Cameron Barnett "Wears Many Hats"
2012 John Lampley "Prepared Brother"
2012 Jay Madill "Camp Leader"
2013 Travis Broadhurst "Eager Leader"
2013 Chris Burke "Dynamic Trumpeter"
2013 Stan Ferguson "Detailed Cook"
2013 Joshua Christ "Loyal Servant"
2013 Tim Bounds "Bighearted Cook"
2014 Randall Hylemon "The Patient One"
2014 Nathaniel Broadhurst "Daring Adventurer"
2014 Ronald Kuebler "Spiritual Guide"
2015 Lucas Johnson "Booming Thunder"
2015 Kevin Elliot "Midnight Wolf"
2015 Tristan Fitzpatrick "Cook Who Throws Tomahawk"
2015 Seth Perry "Canoe Builder"
2015 John Perry "Cheerful Craftsman"
2015 Weldon Clinard "Cheerful Trader"
2016 Dakota Johnson "Faithful Wolf"
2016 Tyler Cole "Faithful Fire Builder"
2016 Pierce Asaad "Singing Chief"
2016 Kiffen Loomis "Determined Chief"
2016 Zach Haas "Guide for Ideal"
2016 Cole Roberts "Shaking Squash Caller"
2016 Ryan Grannan "Laughing Drummer"
2017 Leslie Owens "Shadow Scribe"
2017 Shane Owenby "Cautious Musical Friend"
2017 McKinley Bias "Dancing Squirrel"
2017 Tyler Macalister "Laughing Warrior"
2017 Eli Kayne "Bearded Friend"
2017 David Kayne "Faithful Metal Worker"
2017 Spencer Roten "Reliable Musician"
2018 Lucy Thorne "Dancing Weaver"
2018 Marc Asaad "Guiding Wind"
2018 Mike Lundy "Quiet Shooter"
2018 Samuel Brown "Stealthy Reader"
2018 Dorian Owenby "Deer Stalker"
2018 Blake Williams "Hunger Slayer"
2019 Antonio Castro "Lucky Wizard"
2019 Matty Gates "Toolbox"
2019 Sarah Barnett "Small Worker With Big Fire"
2019 Andrew Williams "Eagle-eyed Cook"
2019 Trevor Nail "Performing Animal Lover"
2019 Davis Roberts "Dancing Fire Head"
2019 Nicholas Owens "Dancing Bear"
2020 Josh Morrow "Dedicated East Chief"
2020 Gail Brown "Loyal Itching Fire Builder"
2020 Thomas Elley "Tall Hunter"
2020 Nathan Gates "Faithful Patch Artist"
2020 Harry Smith "Faithful Friend Who Questions"
2021 Ray Kull "Big Friend of Little Bear"
2021 Kevin Donahue "Little Man Big Bow"
2021 Roger "Dale" Emory "Treasure Seeker"
2021 Bracey Fountain "Busy Fire Maker"
2021 Ruth Johnson "Fire Breathing Whisperer"
2022 Joe Gates "Quiet Giant"
2022 Chad McCormick "Respected Cook With Spirit"
2022 Kevin Ledford "Guiding Server"
2022 Mercer Ledford "Stealthy Feeder"
2023 Jaycob Taylor "Young Man of Southern Drum"
2023 Drew Tashner "Traveling Preparer of Tasty Food"
2023 Chris Williams "Friendly Artist"
2023 Joseph Franklin "Merchant of Many Talents"
2023 Melinda Kuehn "Committed Camp Chief"
2024 Robbie Pacilli "Singer of the East"
2024 Oak Wallace "Axe"
2024 Alice Brown "Climbing Guide"
2024 Aaron Swift "Calm Chief"
2024 Seth Swift "Calm Collector"
1949 William Roth "The Great Warrior"
1950 Vernon McCurry "The Prince"
1952 Clayton McCrackin "Big Hearted One"
1952 Francis Pless "The Woodsman"
1953 Robert Garner "Leading Chief"
1954 Gene Cocke "He Is a Man"
1955 Carmer Bean "A Leader"
1957 Thomas Speed "Flying Messenger"
1957 William Lassiter "Standing Deer"
1959 Davis Nichols "Little Big Man"
1959 Geoffrey Cooper "One Who Shoots"
1959 William Smith "Great Tree Top"
1960 Frank Biddix "Young Deer"
1960 Joe Fulmer "Young Beaver"
1961 Charles Reeves "Handsome"
1961 Paul Willis "Excel All Others"
1962 John Crawford "Peace Maker"
1962 Paul Cabe "Squirrel"
1964 Charles Worley "Chief"
1964 Ernie Hansel "He of the Beautiful Place"
1964 Minor Wilson "Feathers of All Kinds"
1964 Richard Hurley "Place of Friends"
1965 Eugene Hansel "Star"
1965 Jerry Starnes "Middle of the Day"
1965 Pat Mitchell "First in the Dance"
1965 Tom Harrison "Strong and Mighty"
1965 W.M. Vanvalkenburgh "Medicine Man"
1966 M. Hansel "Water Carrier"
1966 Mike Williams "The Traveler"
1966 Ronald Kirby "Efficient"
1966 Thomas Dillard "Lightening Bug"
1967 Charles Arthur "Enchanted Lake"
1967 Clarence Burrell "Town House"
1967 Daren Hutcheson "He of the Lookout Place"
1967 Gary Jensen "Water Side"
1967 John Brown "Frost Walker"
1968 Dan Collier "Buffalo"
1968 George Benning "The Great Bull"
1968 James Hutcheson "All Afire"
1968 Max Hughes "Standing in the Center"
1969 C. Corbin "Humming Bird"
1969 David Putnam "Deer"
1969 James Lollar "Beaver"
1969 John Ledbetter "I Think"
1969 Robert McKinney "He Is Fast"
1969 Ronald Edwards "Drum"
1969 William Green "Bee"
1970 Doug Van Valkenburgh "Little Chief"'
1970 Eddie Gash "Chief"
1970 James Furr "Hello"
1970 James Lipe "Big Man"
1970 Jamie Soesbee "Jim"
1970 Jimmy Garren "Pond"
1970 Johnathan Jones "Lamp"
1970 Loren Brown "Ruler"
1970 Richard Stansbury "Doctor"
1970 Timothy Wilson "First"
1971 Bill Dyar "Arrow Maker"
1971 Brad Ripple "Chipmunk"
1971 Franklin Gordon "Night Hawk"
1971 Henry Graham "Happy"
1971 J. Arden "Tall"
1971 Jerry Jarvis "Quiet"
1971 John Daniel "Big Bear"
1971 Mike Roberts "Red Fox"
1971 Roger Corbin "Bird"
1972 Bruce Arden "Little Tall"
1972 Carl Haynes "Chief of Peace"
1972 David Henderson "Ground Hog"
1972 Ralph Putnam "Bat"
1972 Richard Gustafson "Cherokee"
1972 Robert Cansler "The Frogs Cry Here"
1972 Robert Cook "Red Bird"
1972 Robert Gash "Old Owl"
1972 William Edwards "Worker"
1972 Hank Birdsong "Bird"
1973 Charles Toms "Gentle One"
1973 Dan Harrison "Dancer"
1973 David Briscoe "Moose"
1973 Donnie Osborne "Hungry Bear"
1973 Emory Gash "Mischief"
1973 Jake Wilson "Hammer"
1973 James Fender "Mountain Teacher"
1973 John Cox "Tree Friend"
1973 Robert Fisher "Standing Indian"
1974 Brent Leftwich "Wind"
1974 Dennis Stockdale "Mountain Teacher"
1974 Doug Elledge "Spider"
1974 James Deavor "Cricket"
1974 James Hatley "Hat"
1974 Richard Sharpe "Turkey"
1974 Joel Chambers "Warrior"
1975 Charles Pettee "Feather Man"
1975 David McCartney "Diligent One"
1975 Donald Henderson "Sharp Knife"
1975 John McLeod "He Who Does All"
1975 Russell Matheson "Heavy Beard"
1975 Thomas Massie "Tall Walker"
1975 Thomas Wilson "Straight Bullet"
1975 Randall Barnett "He Who Strengthens"
1976 Brian McKinley "Broken Wing"
1976 Charles Farr "Trained"
1976 Lewis Blodgett "Scholar"
1976 Peter Sprague "Fast Squirrel"
1976 Richard Hageman "Serious"
1976 William Taylor "Happy Leader"
1977 3rd Furtado "Helpful"
1977 Bill Taylor "Billy Bobwhite"
1977 Justin Scroggs "Faithful Friend"
1977 Norman Harrill "Hoot Owl"
1977 Robert Harrison "Wednesday Dancer"
1977 Robert Pearson "High Flying Eagle"
1977 Todd Dingman "Strong Friend"
1978 Clifford Lively "Rock Climber"
1978 Floyd Lowrance "Rope Fox"
1978 Herman Stone "Black Gunpowder"
1978 Norman Harrill Jr. "Walking Owl"
1978 Philip Johnson "Straight Tongue"
1978 William Ratcliffe "Smart Eagle"
1979 Bruce Blakely "Election Worker"
1979 Carleton Collings "Food Master"
1979 Chris Farr "250 Miles"
1979 Jack Cole "Silent Mountain"
1979 Jeffrey Gray "Money Man"
1979 Walter Dean "Walnut Wood"
1980 Charles Potts "Food Magician"
1980 David Atkinson "Third Point"
1980 David McCurry "Proud Treasurer”
1980 Robert Weinkle "Warm Smile"
1980 Thomas Atkinson "Smart Smoker"
1980 Wiley White Jr. "Dancing Beaver"
1981 Bryan Clanton "Stompground Leader"
1981 Jon Holliday "Fast Talker"
1981 Lyndon Conley "Thoughtful One"
1981 Paul Ford "Thrifty One"
1982 Calvin Phipps "Faithful Servant"
1982 Charles Pounders "Artist"
1982 Dexter Ramey "Laughing Drummer"
1982 Douglas Fisher "Self Giver"
1982 James Remine "Thinks Quickly"
1982 Leo Adams "Good Worker"
1982 Mark O'Shields "Polite"
1982 Stephen Miller "Silent Speaker"
1983 John Lively "Father of Rock Climber"
1983 Karl Byas "Fast Reader"
1983 Tony Johnson "Reckless Writer"
1983 Wiley White "Fast Tongue"
1984 Earl Elliott "Silent Thought"
1984 Glen Wise "Musical"
1984 Greg Rutledge "Fast Canoe"
1984 Jeff Cole "Bow Hunter"
1984 Joe Glasscock "Desk Lion"
1984 Melvin Law "Meal Maker"
1985 Charles Athony Jr. "Horn Toad"
1985 Kevin Pint "Thinks Fast"
1986 Dallas Hicks "Running Jaw"
1986 David Kafitz "Carrot Top"
1986 Dr. Gary Todd "Talking Healer"
1986 Dr. Harry Summerlin "Healing Waters"
1986 Kevin Wright "Night Owl"
1986 Randy Sawald "River Rat"
1986 Robert Curtis "Swift Shooter"
1986 William McMullen "Change Maker"
1987 Brian McMullen "Ball Player"
1987 Harry Frick "User of Great Words"
1987 John Rice "Wise Leader"
1987 Michael Mann "Faithful Leader"
1987 O. Mallory "Loud Sleeper”
1987 Tim McSween "Big Friend"
1987 Tony Rice "Silent Runner"
1987 Bryant Webster "Little Dog with Red Hair"
1988 Arik Grier "Small One"
1988 Barry Clayton "Smoking Storyteller"
1988 Bill Huters "Flat Top"
1988 George Todd "Laughing Brave"
1988 Joe Frick "Lazy Chief"
1988 Rick Cody "Ear Biter"
1989 David Krishock "Early Bird"
1989 Heath Kinsland "Bald Head"
1989 Jerry O'Neal "Music Maker"
1989 John Gibbs "Good Cook"
1990 Danny Little "One of Calm Mind"
1991 Burney Mack "Preacher"
1991 Charles Carter "Smart Chief"
1991 Glenn Banning "Careful Listener"
1991 Mike Kinsland "Quiet Water"
1991 Ryan Banning "Short Man Strong Heart"
1992 Al Cauble "Trade Man"
1992 Bernie Grauer "Perfection Man"
1992 Bill Hixson "He Who Closes Meetings"
1992 Bill Horton "Music Man"
1992 Chris Moody "He Is Hiding Groceries"
1992 Dan Little "Little Soil Shovel"
1992 Garrick Smith "Biscuit Man"
1992 Greg Galloway "Big Bow Publisher"
1992 Joe Fulmer Jr. "Big Short Joe"
1992 Martin Banning "Sock Ball Player"
1992 Travis Clayton "Quiet Big Man"
1994 Bernard Gier "Save Many Things"
1994 Bryan Taubert "Happy Feet"
1994 Chris Bertolini "Far Speaker"
1994 Chuck Rice "Information Keeper"
1994 Greg Bias "Running Far"
1994 Mitch Stevens "Eats No Chicken"
1995 Guy Little "Big Man, Little Name"
1995 Kenneth Clark "Brave Soldier"
1995 Robbie Southern "Third Eagle"
1996 Clay Hensley "Recorder"
1996 Phillip Godfrey "Cloth Sign Trader"
1997 Charlie Krug "Northern Brother"
1997 Gavin Douglas "Swift Writer"
1997 Peter Sommers "Cook"
1997 Shawn Sommers "Young Dancer"
1997 Terry "Tee" Pruitt "Chief Who Speaks"
1998 Eddie Hollifield "Fixes with Duct Tape"
1998 Greg Loomis "Icelandic Invader"
1998 Jason Laney "Leader of New Brothers"
1998 Karen Banning "Determined Mother"
1998 Simon Stricklen "Great Debater"
1998 Steve Smith "Traveling Peach"
1998 Todd Knaperek "Squeaky Runner"
1999 Brian Simpson "Talks Much, Says Little"
1999 Jim Dickson "Faithful Worker"
1999 Mike Nail "Little Fisher Bird"
2000 Rick Hulme "Lawnmower Man"
2000 Shawn Stricklen "Spark Plug"
2000 William "Bill" Barry "Quiet Riot"
2001 Alison Knaperek "Smiling Worker"
2001 Andy Clark "He Who Dances Out Fires"
2001 Dylan Hulme "Vested Man Who Burns Crackers"
2001 Edward Knaperek "The Last Buffalo"
2001 Keith Sharpton "Silent Green Man"
2001 Steve Miller "Keeper of the Mountain"
2002 Chris Hoover "Keeper of the Lost Light"
2002 Eric Mitchell "Red Scarf"
2002 Gary Brock "Trades at All Times"
2002 Russell Hughes "He Who Sees All"
2003 George Paquette “Snake Man that Steals Hat"
2003 Cody Hulme “Frank the Horned Warrior”
2004 Matt Emory “Big Arrow Man”
2004 James Greene “Big Man, Big Heart”
2004 Jim McNeal “Hawk Eyes”
2004 Rick Moninghoff “Busy Beaver”
2005 Brian Boushéy "Chief of Roosters"
2005 Adam Kuykendall "Chief with Creased Uniform"
2005 Gary Todd "Cooks for Many"
2006 Scott Martin "Blue Brother"
2006 Joey Digregorio "Patch Predator"
2006 Mark Birdsong "Fox Tail"
2006 Carroll Trantham "The One Called Spider"
2006 Lewis Kuykendall "Trading Bear"
2005 Jhon Ward “Man of the Sea”
2006 Robby Thompson “Stomps Grass”
2007 Mitchell May “Swimming Leader”
2007 Colleen Shipley “Bear with Big Heart”
2007 Kelly Snead “Bringer of the Drum”
2007 Brett Suess “Dancing Spider”
2007 Luke Braswell “Big Man, Little Drum”
2007 Everett Rollins IV "Distant Traveler who Leads"
2008 Lance Phillips “Working Bear”
2008 Joe DiGregorio Sr. “Morning Singer”
2008 Golda Trantham “Golden Helper”
2008 Zack Pruett “Silent Thunder”
2008 Drew Evans “Music Man”
2008 RJ Trantham “Little Warrior”
2008 John Nixon "Camper Who Climbs High"
2009 Benjamin Birdsong “Singing Bird”
2009 James Hylemon “Willing Helper”
2009 Robbie Mann “Trading Man”
2009 Fred Trantham “Guarding Brother”
2009 Dan Rogers "Long Walker"
2009 Ashby Gale "Helping Brother"
2010 Jamie DiGregorio "Silent Helper"
2010 Kyle Griewisch "Gravy Man"
2010 Daniel Huff "Loud Cook"
2010 Mary Lou Farmer "Trainer of Friends"
2010 Ralph Loomis "Healing Hands"
2010 Morgan Bounds "Silent Cook"
2011 David Burrell "Working Leader"
2011 Bryson Christy "Trail Hiker"
2011 Matthew Penland "The Silent Thunder"
2012 Austin Hawkins "Dish Washer"
2012 John Mark Lampley "Contemplative Brother"
2012 Cameron Barnett "Wears Many Hats"
2012 John Lampley "Prepared Brother"
2012 Jay Madill "Camp Leader"
2013 Travis Broadhurst "Eager Leader"
2013 Chris Burke "Dynamic Trumpeter"
2013 Stan Ferguson "Detailed Cook"
2013 Joshua Christ "Loyal Servant"
2013 Tim Bounds "Bighearted Cook"
2014 Randall Hylemon "The Patient One"
2014 Nathaniel Broadhurst "Daring Adventurer"
2014 Ronald Kuebler "Spiritual Guide"
2015 Lucas Johnson "Booming Thunder"
2015 Kevin Elliot "Midnight Wolf"
2015 Tristan Fitzpatrick "Cook Who Throws Tomahawk"
2015 Seth Perry "Canoe Builder"
2015 John Perry "Cheerful Craftsman"
2015 Weldon Clinard "Cheerful Trader"
2016 Dakota Johnson "Faithful Wolf"
2016 Tyler Cole "Faithful Fire Builder"
2016 Pierce Asaad "Singing Chief"
2016 Kiffen Loomis "Determined Chief"
2016 Zach Haas "Guide for Ideal"
2016 Cole Roberts "Shaking Squash Caller"
2016 Ryan Grannan "Laughing Drummer"
2017 Leslie Owens "Shadow Scribe"
2017 Shane Owenby "Cautious Musical Friend"
2017 McKinley Bias "Dancing Squirrel"
2017 Tyler Macalister "Laughing Warrior"
2017 Eli Kayne "Bearded Friend"
2017 David Kayne "Faithful Metal Worker"
2017 Spencer Roten "Reliable Musician"
2018 Lucy Thorne "Dancing Weaver"
2018 Marc Asaad "Guiding Wind"
2018 Mike Lundy "Quiet Shooter"
2018 Samuel Brown "Stealthy Reader"
2018 Dorian Owenby "Deer Stalker"
2018 Blake Williams "Hunger Slayer"
2019 Antonio Castro "Lucky Wizard"
2019 Matty Gates "Toolbox"
2019 Sarah Barnett "Small Worker With Big Fire"
2019 Andrew Williams "Eagle-eyed Cook"
2019 Trevor Nail "Performing Animal Lover"
2019 Davis Roberts "Dancing Fire Head"
2019 Nicholas Owens "Dancing Bear"
2020 Josh Morrow "Dedicated East Chief"
2020 Gail Brown "Loyal Itching Fire Builder"
2020 Thomas Elley "Tall Hunter"
2020 Nathan Gates "Faithful Patch Artist"
2020 Harry Smith "Faithful Friend Who Questions"
2021 Ray Kull "Big Friend of Little Bear"
2021 Kevin Donahue "Little Man Big Bow"
2021 Roger "Dale" Emory "Treasure Seeker"
2021 Bracey Fountain "Busy Fire Maker"
2021 Ruth Johnson "Fire Breathing Whisperer"
2022 Joe Gates "Quiet Giant"
2022 Chad McCormick "Respected Cook With Spirit"
2022 Kevin Ledford "Guiding Server"
2022 Mercer Ledford "Stealthy Feeder"
2023 Jaycob Taylor "Young Man of Southern Drum"
2023 Drew Tashner "Traveling Preparer of Tasty Food"
2023 Chris Williams "Friendly Artist"
2023 Joseph Franklin "Merchant of Many Talents"
2023 Melinda Kuehn "Committed Camp Chief"
2024 Robbie Pacilli "Singer of the East"
2024 Oak Wallace "Axe"
2024 Alice Brown "Climbing Guide"
2024 Aaron Swift "Calm Chief"
2024 Seth Swift "Calm Collector"
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