Almost all committees currently have openings, and many are looking for new Committee Chairs and/or Adult Advisers. If you are interested in learning more or joining a committee please contact the appropriate lodge officer. A list of committees, the lodge officers they report to and a brief description of the committee is included below. The current chairs and advisers for each committee are listed on the Lodge Leadership Page. Take a look and become an active leader in your lodge today!
Committees under the Lodge Chief
- Vigil Committee (The Lodge Adviser or his designee will serve as adviser to this committee)
- Selects Vigil nominees and other award recipients. For more information on the exact structure of this committee please see Section VI (6) of the Tsali Lodge Rules which are available on the Tsali Lodge Website.
- Training Committee
- Organizes training sessions within the lodge, including the annual Lodge Leadership Development.
- Promotes attendance and staffing of training sessions outside the lodge.
- High Adventure Committee
- Organizes High Adventure activities at Lodge Events.
- Promotes National OA High Adventure programs.
- Handbook Committee
- Helps with the writing and publishing of the Lodge Handbook; a book that gives out the basic information about the Lodge.
- Camping Promotions Committee
- Gathers information, writes, and publishes the Lodge's WTGC Guide.
- Promotes camping to the troops of the council and encourages Scout Summer Camp and other outdoor programs through Chapter Chiefs and OA Troop Representatives
- Unit Elections Committee
- Oversees troop OA elections, which are done during the spring and makes sure all troops have elections.
- Lodge Display Committee
- Designs and creates the Lodge Display at the annual Conclave.
- Membership Committee
- Maintains the lodge membership database and determines which brothers are eligible for Brotherhood and Vigil honors.
- Video Production Committee
- Develops the annual lodge promotional video that is presented at the annual conclave.
- Order of the Arrow Troop Representative Committee
- Connects with OA Troop Reps to promote and support lodge activities.
- Activities Committee
- Plans the Physical Activities and events that occur during the Ordeals and Fellowships.
- Section Conclave Committee
- Organizes the lodge's program for Dixie; Theme, cheers, spirit items, etc. Organizes Quest team and training. Follows up on Dixie Competition Guidelines.
- Kitchen Committee
- Plans and cooks the meals at the Lodge functions.
- Group Dance Committee
- Organizes and oversees the development of a group dance team for competitions and demonstrations.
- Drum / Singing Team Committee
- Organizes and oversees the development of a group singing team for lodge fellowship performances and events
- Individual Dance Committee
- Organizes and oversees the development of individual lodge dancers for demonstrations and competition at conclave and NOAC
- Ceremonies Team Committee
- Organizes and oversees the ceremonies in which the Ceremonies Team performs.
- Retention Committee
- Develops and employs strategies for retention of lodge membership.
- Brotherhood Conversion Committee
- Encourages Ordeal members to attain their Brotherhood membership. Conducts "Brotherhood Enrichment" classes at Ordeals and Lodge fellowships.
- Elangomat Committee
- Organizes and oversees the Lodge's Elangomats and plans programs for the Elangomats to perform with their Ordeal candidates.
- Service Committee
- Plans the cheerful service projects which the lodge performs during the year and at Lodge functions. Plans annual "Day of Service".
- Fire Warriors Committee
- Sets up all ceremony circles, and builds the fire, and cleans up before and after each ceremony.
- Digital Communications Committee
- Website
- Maintains the lodge website and keeps it up-to-date with the most recent news and information on the lodge.
- Email
- Maintains an accurate email list and troubleshoots any problems with the emailing list.
- Social Media (Facebook/Twitter)
- Updates Social Media sites with information about lodge accomplishments and upcoming events.
- SMS Broadcast (Text Alerts)
- Sends Text Alerts about upcoming events and lodge accomplishments.
- Website
- The Bow Committee
- Writes Articles for and/or helps format the monthly newsletter known as the bow.
- Lodge Records Committee
- Gathers records of event attendance and meeting proceedings and files other miscellaneous records in a timely and orderly fashion.
- Finance Committee
- Develops annual lodge budget.
- Trading Post Committee
- Lodge memorabilia
- Designs lodge memorabilia and merchandise for events.
- Distribution
- Distributes lodge memorabilia and merchandise at events either through the trading post, at check in or in another way.
- Lodge memorabilia
- Patch Design Committee
- Designs Patches for various events and fundraisers.
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